Teach Yourself to Read Music (#223 Book and CD)

Product Description
Here is a complete course on how you can teach yourself to read music - both in the treble and bass clef, and play it on the piano or other keyboard instrument. By popular request, Madonna Woods has expanded her course on reading music into this complete course.
This course starts teaching you to read music over the full music staff - both treble and bass clef, and then leads you through exercises carefully designed to develop your skill for instant note recognition. It can help you learn not only note names but also note location on your instrument. Learn through clear explanations of rhythm, (probably the most difficult part of learning music) and how to count note - quarter, half, 8th, and dotted notes in various time signatures. You will learn about phrasing, ties, accidentals like sharps, flats, naturals, in all 12 major key signatures. This course included a full section on chords which explains how to construct and play them.
Through the 48 page book are many songs to help you use your developing note reading ability and to have fun doing it. The 60 minute audio CD contains even more explanaion and demonstrates the lessons and exercises to help you learn to read music.