Play Gospel Songs By Ear #1 (#103 Book and CD)

Product Description
Beginners who want to play any familiar hymn by ear will enjoy this one-of-a-kind course developed by Madonna Woods. This course is perfect for piano, organ or electronic keyboard. This course has been improved and now has larger, easier to read 14pt. print with easy to understand chord diagrams.
Learn the secrets of finding the right starting note and a simple way to play the melody from start to finish with your right hand.
Learn how to play 11 different chords with your left hand and how to add these chords to the melody.
Learn how to change any song into the easiest of all key signatures - C major.
Learn to play in six different key signatures: C major, G major, F major, D major, A major and Bb major.
Learn how to add Amen to the end of your hymns.
Learn how to add variety and color to your favorite hymns by adding secondary chords.
The 60 minute CD has more instructions and demonstrates the exercises and hymns in the book so you can hear how the music should sound.