Level 5 Set - Piano Course for Christians

Product Description
This Level 5 course books is divided into 20 weekly lessons. The book and its CD are $18. That's a little less than $1 for each lesson.
Level 5 covers key signatures with 3 sharps and 4 flats and several unusual time signatures found in hymnals. It describes and illustrates 4-part harmony, melody and harmony piano/vocal music, dynamics, expression and other service music. The 64 page book also gives instruction on triads, chord identification, 7th chords, more 16th notes, playing accompaniments from chord symbols and other skills necessary for the church pianist. The information in the book lays the foundation for gospel style playing. Songs include Will Jesus Find Us Watching, Pass Me Not O Gentle Savior, Let Us Break Bread Together and many more.
The CD gives further instructions and demonstrates all music. Includes Lesson Plans.
Here is what N.D. from New Mexico said about this course:
"Our daughter just completed your Level 5. She's now teaching the younger children and a little neighbor girl. They're all doing so well."
There are supplementary books of familiar gospel songs, finger exercises, and theory workbooks carefully coordinated to go with this level to give variety, interest, and experience. Click on "Supplemental Music for Piano Course" (upper left) for a full description.