Level 4 Set - Piano Course for Christians

Product Description
This Level 4 course book is divided into 20 weekly lessons. The book and its CD are $18. That's a little less than $1 for each lesson.
Level 4 progresses to more advanced keys and rhythms and gives more instruction of minor keys and scales with enjoyable exercises and songs. Many chords and inversions in useful preludes, postludes and other church service musical styles. This 64 page book introduces 16th notes, trills, triplets, grace notes, syncopation, hymnal 4-part harmony, more leger line notes and arpeggios. All of the musical pieces are based on many familiar hymns including I Am Coming to the Cross, I Am Thine O Lord, All for Jesus, Shall We Gather at the River and many more.
The CD, recorded by Madonna Woods, is especially helpful in understanding the new rhythm introduced at this level and demonstrates how the songs should sound. Includes Lesson Plans.
There are supplementary books of familiar gospel songs, finger exercises, and theory workbooks carefully coordinated to go with this level to give variety, interest, and experience. Click on "Supplemental Music for Piano Course" (upper left) for a full description.