Level 3 Set - Piano Course for Christians

Product Description
This level 3 course book is divided into 20 weekly lessons. The book and its CD are $18. That's a little less than $1 for each lesson.
This course by Madonna Woods progresses to more advanced rhythm patterns, including song arrangements with more double notes for both hands and leads the student over more of the keyboard. It introduces simple accompaniment styles including broken chords, the use of octaves, intros and codas. It explains more musical terms and includes some work in minor key signatures. There are many church service style pieces and familiar gospel songs. Songs include Blessed Assurance, Christ Arose, Were You There, Nearer My God to Thee, Sunshine in My Soul, Tell Me the Story of Jesus and more.
The CD, recorded by Madonna Woods, provides additional instruction while demonstrating the musical exercises, songs and rhythms contained in the course. Includes Lesson Plans.
There are supplementary books of familiar gospel songs, finger exercises, and theory workbooks carefully coordinated to go with this level to give variety, interest, and experience. Click on "Supplemental Music for Piano Course" (upper left) for a full description.