Level 2 Set - Piano Course for Christians

Product Description
This Level 2 course book is divided into 20 weekly lessons. The book and its CD are $18. That's a little less than $1 for each lesson.
This course builds on Level 1 and covers note reading over more of the keyboard, more advanced rhythms, occasional double notes in both hands and beginning chords. Level 2 then goes into key signatures with two sharps and three flats, describes music notations accents, phrasing and leger line notes. The 64 page book also includes a Lesson Plan as a suggested guide to tutor the student. All music arranged in church service style with many familiar gospel tunes such as Sweet Hour of Prayer, Almost Persuaded, Footsteps of Jesus, Down at the Cross, and many more.
The CD, recorded by Madonna Woods provides additional instructions of music basics while demonstrating the music exercises, songs and rhythms contained in the course. Lesson Plan included.
There are supplementary books of familiar gospel songs, finger exercises, and theory workbooks carefully coordinated to go with this level to give variety, interest, and experience. Click on "Supplemental Music for Piano Course" (upper left) for a full description.