Level 1 Set - Piano Course for Christians

Product Description
This Level 1 course book is divided into 20 weekly lessons. The book and its CDs are $29. That's a little less that $1.50 for each lesson.
This course builds on the prior level and contains full explanations of the music fundamentals necessary for mastery of the piano or keyboard. It teaches more notes, rests, how they are counted and takes note reading over more of the staff. It introduces sharps and flats, half and whole steps, ties, phrases and slurs and more musical expression. It introduces the basic chords of primary key signatures, finger techniques and begins moving hands a little more over the keyboard. All music and text help reinforce Christian values. Many familiar songs and hymns are in this book such as Savior Like a Shepherd, Sun of My Soul, All Through the Night, Standing in the Need of Prayer and many more.
The two CDs, recorded by Madonna Woods, explains music fundamentals in greater depth and demonstrates how the music should sound and be practiced. Lessons Plans included.
There are supplementary books of familiar gospel songs, finger exercises, and theory workbooks carefully coordinated to go with this level to give variety, interest, and experience. Click on "Supplemental Music for Piano Course" (upper left) for a full description.