How To Transpose ($160 Book and CD)

Product Description
This course, written by Madonna Woods for the intermediate to advanced student, teaches how to transpose from one key to another. A step-by-step guide gives you the background you will need to move a song from one key to another.
This course explains the principles of how music—melody, chords and accidentals—are moved from key to key. It explains which basic chords are found in any major key and how to find their equivalent in another key. It takes you key by key through several keys. You learn to identify certain chord patterns in the first key, then how to locate and play those patterns in the new key. You will learn what you must know about a key in order to transpose to that key. This course covers chord identification and explains of how to tell what chords are actually being used in music—even with no chord symbols. It shows how to tell what chords are found in hymns and other music. This course explains intervals—what they are and how they can help you in learning to read faster. 54 page book.
The accompanying CD provides more explanations and demonstrates how transposition is done. This course gives you techniques that can be used right away to help you transpose in many different keys.