How To Sing Book (#201)

Product Description
Do you love to sing but would like to learn how to do it better. This is the one of the most effective books available today on how to teach yourself to sing! It explains how each of us is born with a priceless instrument “built in” our bodies. It is made up of 4 basic parts—the sound producing mechanism, the power supply, the vocal chords and the resonator. This book gives a clear explanation of how these four parts work separately as well as together. It then teaches you exercises to develop each part. Every phase of your vocal progress is carefully developed through exercises that help you create a beautiful singing (and speaking) voice. This helpfully illustrated book will show how to develop good tone, how to increase lung capacity, how to strengthen the diaphragm muscles, how the vocal chords work and how to protect them, how to sing words correctly, use the tongue effectively, increase your range, gain expression and more power with less effort. All very useful! Special bonus: How to direct the church choir for their greatest benefit and for yours! 64 pages.