How to Accompany (#160 Book and CD)

Product Description
This course by Madonna Woods teaches you how to take existing music such as a hymn and turn it into a full sounding accompaniment with chording in both hands – for piano, organ or any keyboard instrument. Learn the basic principles of how to arrange accompaniments and how to play dozens of chords with the right hand.
Learn the basics of chord construction and how chords are used. Many chord progressions and exercises are written out in a manner that practically chords a song for you.
With this course you will learn to create an intro passage that sets the key, rhythm, tempo, style and mood of the song to follow. It contains many illustrations and full arrangements of accompaniments of several well known gospel songs.
This course explains how to accompany a soloist, singer, quartet or choir. Madonna Woods has filled this course with advice from years of experience in all kinds of accompanying. This course is a rich source of practical how-to information for anyone who wants to accompany. 56 page book.
The 60 minute CD provides additional explanations and demonstrates the techniques and songs in the book.